Meeting homeschool requirements can be tricky. As a parent, you want to ensure that your child are meeting the province or state academic standards. But what are they? How do you find them? There can be conflicting information! Always look for a valid source. This can be straight from your province or state’s education website. The Homeschool Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) is also a reliable source. They are a legal organization that can be used to represent you if you encounter a legal problem.
The HSLDA has an outline of the requirements for each province:
They also have the requirements for each state:
Your first goal is to meet those requirements. Each state and province is different. For example, in Ontario you don’t have any requirements! Your second goal is to ensure that your child is meeting what is called the scope and sequence of each grade.
What is a Scope and Sequence?
The scope and sequence is an outline of each subject in each grade and what a child is expected to learn. Basically, they are goals that should be met when the child has completed the curriculum. To ensure your child is on track, you can check off the items on the scope and sequence as your child masters them. You could also go over it when your child has completed the course to ensure that all topics have been covered and that your child understands them.
The scope and sequence varies by curriculum, but they cover the same basic concepts. Here are some options for scope and sequences:
ABeka Book has the most comprehensive scope and sequence I have seen. They also have quite high standards, which is why I prefer to use them. I know it isn’t for everybody!
Christian Light Curriculum also has a detailed scope and sequence:
Time4Learning is a secular curriculum option:
All That Being Said…
You don’t need to be bogged down by a checklist. Every child is different and meets goals and expectations at different times. If your kindergartener can read, that’s fantastic! If your child doesn’t read until grade 1 or 2, no big deal. Everyone is an individual and grows at their own pace. Challenge your child, but don’t push them. Encourage, but don’t overbear. Your child will learn the concept when they are ready. Development plays a big part in education!
Look at the big picture. If your child is learning and growing, then leave it at that. If your state or province doesn’t require specific requirements, then you are free to navigate this homeschool journey however works best for your family. I know it is easy to compare yourself to others, but at the end of the day, it only matters what your family is doing. You are responsible for your child and not others. Focus on your own child’s growth and development.
If you are a type of person who enjoys checklists, then use them. Use scope and sequences to track your child’s progress. Scope and sequences are there as a tool, not as a requirement (unless your state or province has specific regulations). Use tools as needed and as works best for your family. If you feel that these are useful, then continue using them. If you reach a point where you feel overwhelmed by them, stop using them.
The beauty of homeschooling is the flexibility it provides. You are free to choose what curriculum, scope and sequences, and resources you use for each of your children. No child has to use the exact same curriculum as their sibling or friend! Do what works best for them and your child will thrive!
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